We do work a lot. But we also find time to go on adventures, much thanks to our lovely friend and host, Trisha. She has a company that sends tours which mean she has the best contacts for the most amazing experiences. We have explored caves, swam with whale sharks and gone scuba diving. And there’s much more to come. If you’re curious, her company is called Adventurous Spirits Tours.
We found some of the Mexico’s particularities really odd for us, and so different from what we’ve been seeing and experiencing that it’s worth sharing:
Also, it’s very important to mention that our new home is shared with, not only our friend Trisha and her lovely dogs but also with a swarm of Geckos that appear from literally everywhere. The first time we saw a Gecko in our house, we were sure that this little gecko was more settled in that house than us, and of course, it wasn’t planning to go anywhere. Now we hope to one day get used to them, as a part of our family (like we have a choice). They are also really loud and sound like birds.
After living more than a year in First World countries, it’s pretty easy to get used to some amenities without even realizing, and sure… not only in Sydney but also our previous home, Halmstad, had high prices to rent an apartment, so now, coming to Mexico was a big change for us since we pay less than half here. This has its pros and cons, Mexicans live a slightly simpler lifestyle. Most often this feels very relaxing but it’s very hard to find places with A/C, Dishwasher or even a Washing machine. That means we were really lucky to find a place with A/C in our room and now we take our clothes to the Lavandería or Laundry room, who knew! We do miss drinkable tap water though.
And last, but not least mosquitoes, mosquitoes everywhere! We had heard about scary diseases mosquito related, but it’s not only what scares us, but they chase us looking for fresh and warm? blood and apparently they find our feet their favorite spot to attack, they are so annoying! Now, repellents (and of course sunscreen) has become our best friends!
But despite these big changes, we’re really happy and enjoying as much as we can this beautiful town, trying new food, going to the beach and of course meeting new people; while we work hard on our projects.